Mini Series Spoiler  





Think old Robbie was a little surprised?

It's her first day of school in a brand new town, Salem, and Ariel wakes from a nightmare with dread and trepidation. Moving twice a year it's a sensation that has become all to familiar. A wealthy cover girl with insecurities? Apparently. Interrupting an otherwise intolerable day for Ariel is the introduction of Perry Stodghill. Jock, popular, good looking, and all round good guy. She appreciates the company until Perry asks her out on a date. She refuses involuntarily and bolts. Not to be discouraged, Perry makes his way to her home where he plans to make a second, perhaps winning, play for her heart. The scene shifts to an angry Robert Chylde, Ariel's father, making his way to her room. He pounces on her and, to his great surprise, finds more than a helpless little girl. She manifests the form of a nightmare demon, Penance, torching her home and her father. The story begins...





There are kinds of filth that not even water can wash away.

Having witnessed the decimation of Ariel's home, Perry, driven by curiosity or an inexplicable sense of knowing, follows the fleeing beast to the Salem dam. He finds Ariel naked, bruised, and shedding tears of emotional agony. He does the only thing he can think of. He holds her as close and as tightly as he can. The scene shifts to the Sentry Compound where Jack Stodghill, paranormal investigator and father of young Perry is being briefed on the fire at the Chylde household. At that very moment Penance, the beast Ariel summoned, is making his way through town happy in his liberation. For a moment! Kauldron, an exiled nightmare being, spoils his party with an amulet that commands his reluctant, but total, loyalty. Kauldron wants to unleash an army of nightmare demon's and, if Ariel is his tool, then Penance is his means to that end. When Penance finally attacks Ariel at the Stodghill residence Kauldron takes a small step towards his goal. Ariel, out of desperation, summons again.





Welcome to Sentry. Would you like a little pain with that coffee?

In the form of nightmareling, Hairball, Ariel lays into Penance and gives him nothing less than a hole in the chest to think about. Penance thinks, and bolts, having already served his purpose. Ariel reverts to her true form and passes out in Perry's arms. Meanwhile, in the nightmare realm, Sage is trying to convince War and Piece to take up arms against Kauldron. To come to Ariel's aid before the earth bound demon's plotting takes her life. They take some convincing, but convince them she does. The scene shifts to an unmarked van entering the Sentry compound. Devoid of options, Ariel resigns herself to the fact that the scientists there are her only hope. Her only chance to become normal once more. While she ponders her fate, War, Piece and Sage hitch a ride on the earth bound Hairball. Three demons, and three heroes now tread earth's soil.





A perfect moment in an imperfect world.

Sentry is, apparently, not all that it seems. The man in charge, Ullman, is injecting Ariel with compound after compound trying to instigate rather than control her summonings. All this leaves a sour taste in the Stodghill's mouths and Jack, ultimately, floors his bald superior. At that moment, our intrepid heroes, War and Piece arrive on the scene. Ariel, sitting alone in her cell after hours of forced summonings finds herself longing for her long lost mother. Sage and her allies mount a rescue attempt freeing Ariel, and the Stodghill's from Sentry. They flee into the woods only to find Kauldron, and the hoard of demon's Ariel summoned in captivity, waiting.





Meet Fang... Now run!

Ariel runs and runs, trying to escape the hoard of demons on her heels. Suddenly, out of spite more rather than bravery she turns to face her foe. Kauldron. He dares her to summon and she does. She summons Fang. Distracted by his own fear, Kauldron fails to notice Penance lurking in the shadows waiting to take his revenge. Leaping from his shelter he pulls away the ring of Solomon and offers Kauldron to Ariel. She takes her opportunity and fries him where he stands. Before Kauldron dies, however, he reveals that Robert was NOT her father. Ariel takes to the air and decimates the nightmare mob with flames of retribution. In her bloodlust she takes the life of Perry's dad, Jack. Her foes vanquished, Ariel reverts to her human form and is confronted with the harshest of realities. She has to leave Salem. She has to leave Perry. As she leaves Perry watches with a heavy heart as the love of his life walks right out of it.


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